
Top Republican endorses Romney for president

Top Republican endorses Romney for president
Top Republican Eric Cantor has endorsed Mitt Romney for president of the United States, providing the frontrunner a boost as the primary nomination contest reaches a critical stage.
Mr Cantor's endorsement, the initial from a leading member of the Republican congressional management, was seen as the strongest signal but that the celebration establishment would like the ever more bitter primary battle wrapped up quickly.
Mr Romney, a multimillionaire businessman and Arsenal jerseys former Massachusetts governor, is the very clear frontrunner for Arsenal jerseys the Republican nomination to get on president Barack Obama in November.
But he has confronted stubborn difficulties from two major rivals, Rick Santorum and Newt Gingrich.
I cast my vote already in Virginia for Mitt Romney and I'm right here right now to tell you that I am endorsing Mitt Romney in his candidacy for the presidency of the United States,  Mr Cantor, the Property bulk leader, stated on the NBC reports software Fulfill the Press.
Who's heading to finest be ready to lead this economic system again to a development mode, generate jobs so men and women can experience far better about the foreseeable future?

I just feel there is one particular applicant in the race who can do that, and that's Mitt Romney.

Eric Cantor
I just believe wholesale soccer jerseys there is certainly one particular candidate in the race who can do that, and that is Mitt Romney. 
His endorsement came just two days ahead of Super Tuesday, a potentially pivotal day in the nominating fight, when Cheap NFL Jerseys Free Shipping ten states vote at as soon NHL Jerseys Wholesale as.
Tremendous Tuesday basically ended the Republican nomination fight in 2008, when Mr Romney capitulated and Senator John McCain went on to turn out to be the nominee.
Mr Cantor's property state of Virginia votes on Tuesday and Mr Romney is the mind-boggling favourite there, as equally Mr Santorum, a previous Pennsylvania senator, and Mr Gingrich, a previous Residence speaker, failed to get on the ballot.
Texas congressman Ron Paul is the fourth candidate left in the race but is not seen as possessing sufficient assist to be a practical contender for the nomination.

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